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Katarina Taurian

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 803

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products being developed  cash flow

‘Back the right horse’ as niche products boom, accountants told

The almost “overwhelming” number of products being developed at the periphery of core accounting software - such as ... READ MORE
cpa australia

CPAs pushing past ‘big elephant in the room’

One university professor is finding that, true to form, CPAs are pushing past the “disaster” that unfolded this year ... READ MORE
resign  set to depart

Long-time ATO director set to depart

After 34 years with the ATO, a senior and well-known superannuation director is set to retire in early November.  ... READ MORE
tech giant hits out at ato  lsquo fishing expedition rsquo

Tech giant hits out at ATO ‘fishing expedition’

One accounting software veteran has hit out at the ATO for putting commercially “unrealistic” expectations on softwa ... READ MORE

New bill introduced on contentious company tax issue

The federal government has introduced a bill clarifying the tax rate for passive investment companies, after a period of ... READ MORE
accountants  dramatic shift

Tech survey reveals accountants’ gripes, ‘dramatic’ shifts

A survey of the systems and technology Australian accounting firms use has revealed where the biggest movements have bee ... READ MORE
platform  retirement adequacy  automated advice

Robo-advisers tipped to eye accounting holes

The head of one advice platform believes retirement adequacy will be the next frontier for automated advice, particular ... READ MORE
match  fire

ATO under fire for anti-adviser material

The tax office is copping heat following online materials which create negative perceptions of the financial advice prof ... READ MORE

Tech bosses knock back ‘complete fallacy’

Software heavyweights have pushed back at the “complete fallacy” that firms are willing and able to use only one pro ... READ MORE