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Philip King

AUTHOR | No. of articles: 1286

Philip King is editor of Accountants Daily and SMSF Adviser, the leading sources of news, insight, and educational content for professionals in the accounting and SMSF sectors.

Philip joined the titles in March 2022 and brings extensive experience from a variety of roles at The Australian national broadsheet daily, most recently as motoring editor. His background also takes in spells on diverse consumer and trade magazines.

You can email Philip on: [email protected]

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High Court rules against Victoria’s electric vehicle road charge

UPDATED: The state “imposes a duty of excise” within the meaning of s90 of the Constitution, its judgement says. ... READ MORE

CA ANZ should ‘stick to your own lane’ on the Voice

Members have slammed the body’s support for the referendum proposal as beyond its remit and “outrageously presumptuo ... READ MORE

Payroll tax ruling ‘financially devastating’, dentists warn

As many as 60 per cent of dental practices in NSW are expected to receive tax bills, the Australian Dental Association s ... READ MORE

Key business data points to ‘sharp rise in company collapses’

Business activity below pre-pandemic levels and rising payment defaults paint a gloomy picture, according to CreditorWat ... READ MORE

Small business ‘dying from a thousand cuts to consumer spending’

High street data from MYOB suggests every rate increase comes with a sharp downturn in purchases and Christmas is critic ... READ MORE

You’re the voice and CA ANZ understands it

Members are bound to disagree on the issue but the body remains committed to the Uluru Statement from the Heart, it says ... READ MORE

Government outlines rules regime for crypto platforms

Digital asset providers will come under existing financial services laws and need an AFSL under proposals just released. ... READ MORE

Logistics company fined for underpaying hundreds of migrants $3.6m

Federal Court imposes a $558,000 penalty on the business for deliberately short changing holiday visa holders over five ... READ MORE

Carbon acquires fourth Victoria office with bookkeeping takeover

Based on the Mornington Peninsula, Rad Bookkeeping & Business Solutions is the group’s seventh acquisition this ye ... READ MORE