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You don’t need a lot of time to create social media content


Creating social media content can be quicker than you think and can generate a steady stream of ideal clients if done well. 

By Natalie Lennon, Two Sides 12 minute read

We all know how busy we can be as accountants; I am surprised you have the time to read this given we are in the thick of tax compliance season and the rush to Christmas is upon us. However, being busy is not an excuse to stop you from creating social media content for your business.

In fact if you are not active on social media for your business in 2024 people assume either: you have closed down, you aren’t taking on clients or you are very old school and not up to date with current trends etc.  They also don’t know if you are any good and why they should work with you if they don’t already. 

Now before you say that you rely solely on referrals let me ask you this – is every referral your ideal client or do you take them on to keep your existing clients happy? 

You might also be thinking that you don’t want new clients and that is ok also but what would you do if you suddenly had some large clients leave or retire? This is a very important factor to consider if your firm has a lot of older clients. You would need to start your marketing and social media efforts from scratch and like everything social media takes time to provide results.

Imagine if you had a steady stream of your ideal clients lining up to work with you right now? That is the power of social media and videos in particular, you see on average someone needs to see and hear from you at least 7 times before they will take the next step to become a paying client. 

This is because the average person in 2024 is not only a more savvy and educated purchaser but they are also sceptical as there are so many scammers online these days. By putting yourself out there with videos on social media you are showing up on their phone or computer regularly, establishing yourself as an expert in your field and also showing them the real you and why you do what you do in the first place. You are building rapport with them without even meeting them. This makes it much easier to get them to sign up as your client when they are ready – and pay you the fees you deserve without you having to discount them.


So where do you start? Your clients provide you with content each and every day! Whenever you get a question from a client regarding a topic you love to work with your clients on, write it down, either in a doc on your desktop of if you are a pen and paper person keep a notepad on your desk. If it is not in front of you it will not get done. 

Then block out some time in your calendar each week, probably 2 hours to start (you will get faster and only need 1 hour per week max once you get the hang of it) to sit down and record one video with your smart phone. It doesn’t need to be anything fancy, just a quick video of you talking to camera answering the question that your client asked you about. Keep it short and to the point – no longer than 2 minutes. 

Voila you will have one video per week to start with. As you get faster and into the swing of it you could move to two or three per week depending on how many leads you can handle. You don’t need to post every day, although you most certainly can if you want to.

Social media and video really is the secret sauce to growing a firm in today’s marketplace and you need to get involved ASAP!

I am running a FREE 45 minute Intro to Tiktok Masterclass this Friday at 1pm AEDT online where I will show you how east it is to start, provide you with some content ideas and how to create a Tiktok that can be repurposed for any social media platform in under 3 minutes. Even if you don’t want to start on Tiktok you can use the same principles for Linked In, Instagram and Facebook.

Here is the link to signup 

By Natalie Lennon, founder & director, Two Sides 

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