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Assuming last is required, the following 3595 results were found.

  1. Property tax changes catching clients out this tax time

    expenses, and plant and equipment depreciation in relation to their investment properties, according to H&R Block. Late last year, new rules around tax deductions for travel expenses associated with residential property investments, and restriction of...

  2. Avoid another myGov fiasco: Govt urged to listen to accountants on ABN reform

    government to tap into the large pool of accounting professionals to aid in its plan to reform and modernise the ABN system. Last week, the government released a consultation paper covering recommendations from the Black Economy Taskforce, including...

  3. CPAs scramble as 90-day notice period, education deadlines loom

    the closure of CPA Advice, and was not investigating compliance concerns as it was with Dover, which announced its closure last month. “Usually it takes time to hand back a licence, which is what I assume CPA Advice is going to be do. The cancellation...

  4. TPB joins chorus of ‘cowboy agents’ warnings

    practitioners. The Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Whistleblower Protections) Bill 2017 was introduced in Parliament late last year, and if passed, will see a single whistleblower protection regime covering the corporate, financial and credit...

  5. CPA ‘vanity project’ spotlights accountant, licensee frictions

    member, if the Institute set up a financial advice business to compete with my practice I’d be absolutely livid. The last thing a professional expects or wants is for their own professional body who regulates your conduct to start competing with you,”...

  6. ATO releases new guidelines on tax uncertainty for corporate clients

    the distribution statement to shareholders on franked dividends which is very similar to what the ATO did around this time last year with all the uncertainty as well and I guess it does provide a bit of comfort that if you have to change franking...

  7. KPMG acquires consultancy in innovation push

    the acquisition of UDKU was in line with CMBA’s targeted growth. CBMA has made several high-profile appointments over the last few months, including former Publicis Communications chair and Publicis Australia chief executive Andrew Baxter, Louise...

  8. New board appointments announced at IPA

    things more up to date and easier to deal with.” The appointments follow the addition of three new directors announced late last year, including Dr Michael Schaper, former deputy chair of the ACCC; Julie Williams, principal of Insolvency Solutions; and...

  9. ATO dispels top tax time myths to clients as clampdown rolls out

    at events; or claiming all holiday travel expenses when only a few days are in relation to a conference or work. This time last year, mid-tiers like Moore Stephens and HLB Mann Judd shared common client misconceptions to watch out for. You can read more...

  10. Tax advice still core despite financial services gains, PwC says

    Australia has delivered a 10.8 per cent revenue growth to $2.35 billion for the 12 months to 30 June this year, edging out last year’s results of a 10.4 per cent growth. PwC chief executive Luke Sayers attributed the growth to “unsurprisingly strong”...

  11. Formal access powers used in ATO, tax agent showdown

    the $8.7 billion individual tax gap. This report followed persistent public lashings from ATO commissioner Chris Jordan from last year onwards, about tax agents facilitating incorrect work expenses claims for clients. In today’s statement, the ATO also...

  12. ‘Clients might be facing a tax bill’: Defined benefit income changes flagged

    Daily, RSM partner Katie Timms said the changes were the other half to the transfer balance account changes which kicked in last year. “The problem that they had when looking at defined benefit income streams is that they actually don't have an account...

  13. ‘Not the same for everyone’: Vacancy fee confusion flagged

    owners of residential dwellings, including the confusion around time frames and hefty penalties around non-lodgement. Late last year, the government secured passage of the Treasury Laws Amendment (Housing Tax Integrity) Bill 2017, introducing an annual...

  14. Accountants could advise on home loans under proposed changes

    gains traction. The Productivity Commission released its damning Competition in the Australian Financial System report last week, which broadly assessed the marketplace of financial products in Australia as a “blizzard of barely differentiated...

  15. Pitcher Partners looks to advisory work to edge out big four firms

    space as well as client M&A deals as areas of opportunity in the year ahead. “We've invested in significant talent over the last 12 months around the areas of transfer pricing, cyber security, and digital strategy,” said Mr Brazzale. “The other area we...

  16. ‘Glib responses’: Treasury audit framework slammed

    the government’s plan to introduce a three-year audit cycle for SMSFs are “falling on deaf ears”, says one association body. Last month, Treasury released a discussion paper outlining its proposed framework for the three-year model, including suggesting...

  17. Additional rules surface with stapled structures clampdown

    the extension of the scope of the non-arm’s length income rule and to introduce a concessional cross-staple rent cap. Late last month, the government released exposure draft for Treasury Laws Amendment (Making Sure Foreigners Pay Their Fair Share of Tax...

    • Type: Article
    • Author: Reporter
    • Category: Tax
  18. ATO sets sights on 200,000 taxpayers with short-term rentals

    tax consequences before jumping into the short-term rental market space. “This type of short term rental has boomed in the last few years and many people have gone into it without thinking through the tax consequences. It might seem obvious to those of...

  19. Proposed R&D changes labelled complex, uncompetitive

    program. “There is this constant tweaking. It causes instability in the market because people just don’t know if it’s the last change and if it’s stable. How do you budget your five or six-year innovation spending like that, what does the roadmap look...

  20. Pay gap up to $40k in Sydney accounting firms, study finds

    static while men saw an increase of $4,000, causing the salary gap to increase to 18.28 per cent, up from 13.98 per cent last year.” While salaries at the support level were on par, this was the only role level where women outnumbered men. “Nearly 70...