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Assuming last is required, the following 3595 results were found.

  1. New licensing training launched for accountants

    during the three-year transition period of July 2013 to July 2016. A further 66 per cent of applications were made in the last four months of the transition period, and 38 per cent of applications were lodged in June 2016. “Practices that are licensed...

  2. New legal protections a win for accountants, says big 4 firm

    protections and has highlighted the role that accounting firms can play in encouraging whistleblowers to come forward. Last week the parliamentary joint committee on corporations and financial services released a whistleblower protections report,...

  3. New laws targeting tax deductions for non-withholding businesses

    legislation removing tax deductions for entities who fail to comply with their withholding obligations are set to kick in. Last week, the Treasury Laws Amendment (Black Economy Taskforce Measures No. 2) Bill 2018 passed both Houses, introducing new...

  4. New law: The director penalty regime extends to GST

    action to place the company into administration or to wind it up. This obligation commences on 31 December 2019, being the last day of the relevant tax period. Her resignation as a director does not release her from that obligation. On 1 July 2020, the...

    • Type: Article
    • Author: Craig Whatman, Pitcher Partners
    • Category: Regulation
  5. New instant asset write-off could favour medium businesses more

    write-off than their smaller counterparts who are required to elect to use simplified depreciation to access the write-off. Last week, the government rushed the passage of its expanded instant asset write-off, increasing the threshold to $30,000 and...

  6. New head of Treasury announced

    John and wish him every success as he takes on this new challenge," Mr Ermotti said. "I'd also like to thank him for the lasting contribution he has made to UBS as a leader, an executive board member and a colleague over the last two decades."

    • Type: Article
    • Author: Staff Reporter
    • Category: Business
  7. New guidelines issued on satisfactory tax records for tender bids

    for Commonwealth government contracts over $4 million will have to comply with, including a statement of tax record. Late last year, the government released a consultation seeking to introduce a new government procurement process that will exclude...

    • Type: Article
    • Author: Jotham Lian
    • Category: Tax
  8. New guidance looms for fixed entitlements

    is fixed, which can have a significant impact on tax outcomes for clients. Practical Compliance Guideline 2016/D16, released last week, outlines the factors that the commissioner will consider when deciding whether to exercise the discretion to treat an...

    • Type: Article
    • Author: Reporter
    • Category: Tax
  9. New GST revenue collection beats budget estimates

    low value imported goods is tracking “well ahead” of budget estimates, the ATO has said. Since new laws kicked in on 1 July last year, GST will apply to sales of low-value, imported goods valued at $1,000 or less, to consumers in Australia, in a bid to...

    • Type: Article
    • Author: Reporter
    • Category: Tax
  10. New financial reporting requirements: are your clients affected?

    Changes made last year to Section 3CA of the Tax Administration Act 1953 have introduced additional reporting requirements for some Australian companies. Let's run through what you need to know for your affected clients. The aim of the legislation is...

  11. New education requirements expected to include accountants

    through the financial advice industry are likely to include accountants with an AFSL, according to a compliance lawyer. Late last year, the Financial Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority released its proposed guidance on the mandatory education...

  12. New Div 7A interest rate released

    The new interest rate has now been made publicly available on the ATO’s website, and comes after the Tax Office announced last year that it would no longer publish eight of its 12 annual taxation determinations. Instead, it will only make the...

  13. New Deloitte acquisition marks focus on automation for tax

    of new technologies and we are looking forward to delivering the next wave of innovation to clients.” Deloitte signalled last year that it had a "pipeline" of investments set for release in 2017 and 2018, many of which have so far had a digital focus....

  14. New data breach laws, penalties land today

    that fail to comply with the notifications rules risk being fined up to $360,000 and $1.8 million respectively. Late last month, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Kate Carnell, said she’s concerned businesses aren’t aware of...

  15. New client demand prompts big 4 team shifts

    to adapt. The big four firms, EY included, have introduced measurable diversity and gender-based targets in the last five years. This is partly in response to the demand of major clients, who will not engage with firms who don’t present a diverse...

  16. New CBA collaboration will enable 60-second cross-border payments

    enabled by harnessing Australia’s New Payments Platform (NPP) and the International Payments Service (IPS). This allows the last mile of BNY’s cross-border payments to Australia to be processed by CBA via the NPP. This process offers cost transparency,...

  17. New casual employment laws to kick in with $66k penalties

    employment as long as they have been employed for at least 12 months, have worked a regular pattern of hours over the last six months, and can continue to work these hours in a full-time or part-time capacity. Penalties in place The FWO notes that...

  18. New board appointments announced at IPA

    things more up to date and easier to deal with.” The appointments follow the addition of three new directors announced late last year, including Dr Michael Schaper, former deputy chair of the ACCC; Julie Williams, principal of Insolvency Solutions; and...

  19. New ATO portals to go public by year end

    100 tax and BAS agents so far. According to an ATO spokesperson, a further 90 tax and BAS agents have been invited, as of last week, taking the total number of beta testers to 200, with the move to public beta testing slated to arrive by this year end....

  20. New ATO feature sees accountants trump planners

    their clients’ superannuation affairs, in a new feature set to go live in the second half of the year. The ATO confirmed mid last week that tax agents are set to have the same view that individuals currently have in accessing ATO Online via their myGov...