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Assuming last is required, the following 3595 results were found.

  1. ATO small biz treatment and debt recovery practices to undergo review

    impact on them. “Overzealous early debt recovery by the ATO can be a small business killer,” Ms Carnell said. “Our research last year into unfair treatment by the ATO found serious system-wide issues impacting the small business sector, including early...

  2. ATO slips from top spot in public trust ranking

    point to 72 per cent. The AEC ranked first at 87 per cent and the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations ranked last, with only 56 per cent of people being satisfied with its services. The ATO recorded a two-point drop down to a pre-pandemic...

  3. ATO signs $323m lease for purpose-built Barton building

    owners. The ATO confirmed the cost of the 15-year lease as $323,382,646 (GST inclusive). The ATO told staff about the move last Tuesday, 13 September. The 10-level building at 21 Genge Street which the ATO has occupied since 2007 has already been put on...

  4. ATO signals good-faith approach to tax agent deferrals

    program, along with other targeted support measures for practitioners who have experienced serious hardship over the last year. The ATO on Tuesday urged tax agents to be aware of the support measures available to them coming into tax time, acknowledging...

  5. ATO signals crypto crackdown as tax time looms

    capital gains or losses.” The ATO’s crackdown follows a softer, educative approach adopted through the 2020 income year. Last year, the Tax Office contacted 100,000 taxpayers who had traded crypto assets and prompted 140,000 taxpayers to lodge returns....

  6. ATO signals crackdown on popular deduction

    Australians claimed right up to the threshold that does not require detailed records to be kept of a popular tax deduction last year, prompting a closer compliance check this tax time. The tax office said it will be paying “close attention” to claims...

  7. ATO signals crackdown on 4 ineligible work-from-home claims

    related to earning income, and cannot be claimed by taxpayers who were forced to adapt from hybrid working arrangements last year. Other ineligible expenses include those related to a child’s education, like online learning courses or laptops, as well...

  8. ATO signals ‘significant’ technology overhaul

    will look like from 2023”. The three new contracts emerge off the back of the various MNS contracts signed by the ATO last year, which included a five-part deal with Optus worth $233 million, one with IBM worth $107 million, and another with Leidos...

  9. ATO should revise work-from-home travel expense eligibility: TSA

    calls for a review of travel expense claim entitlements for those working from home follow an alert issued by the ATO last week where it warned tax agents and taxpayers that it would be on the lookout for claims containing ineligible work-related...

  10. ATO shifting approach to wealthy Australians

    “While most wealthy Australians and their private groups do the right thing – contributing around $31 billion in income tax last financial year – some choose to avoid tax,” Mr Cranston said. “We are shifting our approach and will be visiting our largest...

  11. ATO sheds light on new SG education course

    the new superannuation guarantee obligations course have been released, with employers set to face an 80 per cent pass mark. Last month, Treasury Laws Amendment (2018 Measures No. 4) Bill 2018 received Royal Assent, giving the commissioner power to...

  12. ATO sheds light on crypto compliance focus

    quarantined. It applies for future years.” Mr O’Grady’s warnings follow the beginnings of an ATO crypto compliance crackdown last year, as the pandemic prompted a marked increase in consumer investment. The Tax Office has since allocated substantial...

  13. ATO sheds light on big 4 partner income

    internal governance measures” to ensure the appropriate amount of tax was being paid. During a Senate estimates hearing last month, Greens senator Peter Whish-Wilson had asked the ATO to reveal the aggregated income of the big four firms, with the tax...

  14. ATO settles JobKeeper ordinary income debate

    offset, and the base rate entity tax rate. The ATO was pressed into action by the Tax Practitioners Stewardship Group early last week, leading to the updated guidance on Friday, and has since been described as a “sensible outcome” by the Tax Institute’s...

  15. ATO sets sights on 200,000 taxpayers with short-term rentals

    tax consequences before jumping into the short-term rental market space. “This type of short term rental has boomed in the last few years and many people have gone into it without thinking through the tax consequences. It might seem obvious to those of...

  16. ATO set to visit practitioners to fix troubled SMSFs

    years of outstanding SMSF annual returns,” said ATO assistant commissioner Kasey Macfarlane at the SMSF Summit in Sydney last week. “Our first response will be to work with SMSF trustees and their advisers to support them to bring their lodgements up to...

  17. ATO set to shake up communication with industry

    outages it experienced in December 2016 and February 2017, following commissioner Chris Jordan releasing some of the results last week. The report includes findings from the ATO’s internal review as well as the independent review conducted by PwC, which...

  18. ATO set to roll out new tax agent risk profiling

    and their professional associations in how we improve and utilise the tool.” The number of WREs continues to grow each year: last year 8.4 million taxpayers claimed a total of $21.3 billion. “We know this is an area where taxpayers make mistakes, given...

  19. ATO set to review 85% lodgement benchmark

    as tax practitioners continue to fall behind on lodgements in a year marked by COVID-19. A similar assurance was provided last year at the height of the pandemic. The Tax Office, however, has continued to resist calls for a blanket deferral, and has...

  20. ATO set to launch tax record application system

    90 per cent of relevant income tax, business activity statement and fringe benefits tax lodgements that were due in the last four years of operation from the date of request for an STR, and must not have $10,000 or greater in outstanding undisputed debt...