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Assuming last is required, the following 3592 results were found.

  1. ‘A hell of a ride’: The COVID-19 toll on the accounting profession

    said. “Take a few deep breaths and come back to it because the next few months are going to be a testing time, as have the last few months, but I don’t think it’s going to get better quickly and we need practitioners out there who are healthy and able...

  2. ‘A delicate balancing act’: ATO pushes for sub-$60k earners to self-lodge

    78 per cent of tax returns prepared by a tax agent required adjustments, compared to 57 per cent for self-preparers. Just last month, the ATO noted that 60 per cent of the 112,000 tax returns that required correction in the first two months of tax time...

  3. ‘A crushing of opinions’: Industry mulls changes to financial reporting

    for public financial reports.” ‘Vigorous debate’ With the AASB concluding its series of briefing sessions across the country last week, both Ms Ross and Mr Drum have urged practitioners to digest the proposals and submit their views to the board. Phase...

  4. ‘A bad thing times 10’: ATO set for new blitz

    50 per cent of the fund goes to the government, good bye,” Mr Dickinson told delegates at the SMSF Summit in Adelaide last week. “We don’t want to make these people non-complying and we don’t want to disqualify them. But we cannot allow a significant...

  5. 'You can't put a firm in jail': ASIC backs its compliance approach

    to respond to misconduct in the sector, with a taskforce having completed a review of ASIC’s enforcement regime late last year. “There are significant parts of our legislation where the penalties are frankly inadequate and that's why there has been a...

  6. 'Workaholic' culture persists in accounting industry

    you and the temptation to become a workaholic is greater,” she said. These habits include being the first to arrive and the last to leave, not having any hobbies or interests, being constantly stressed, not taking lunch breaks and checking emails too...

  7. 'Too much emphasis on price' in software, accountants told

    I’m hearing a lot of vendors talking about how they're going to be cheaper than XYZ. But I would say price should be the last thing on your list,” Ms Penn said. “If you're an accountant looking at software, the amount of time and effort that you are...

  8. 'Tax cuts are almost a certainty': balanced budget set to feature

    be offset by the tightening of measures such as the taxation of stapled structures — a measure Mr Morrison announced late last month. The new measures, which will take effect on 1 July 2019, has broad ranging applications and Mr Kanagaratnam is hoping...

  9. 'One sloppy team member' could topple a firm under new laws

    protocols and notification procedures kicking in next month. The Privacy Amendment (Notifiable Data Breaches) Bill passed last year and will commence on 22 February this year. It will require agencies, organisations and certain other entities to provide...

  10. 'Nothing to fear' in self-lodgement, says ATO

    tax return for the year, 1.5 million undertook the process via myTax, representing a 70 per cent increase on the same time last year. According to Mr Whyte, those taxpayers with “really straightforward” tax affairs are able to lodge their returns in as...

  11. 'Large demand' driving bookkeeper fees, salaries

    which will fuel demand for bookkeepers, providing they are winning business and growing their business,” he said. In the last year there has been a sizable growth in salaries of bookkeepers, particularly those based in Sydney, with a 10 per cent jump in...

  12. 'Identity crisis' to impact Australian accountants

    firm consolidator. Speaking to Accountants Daily, Fleming Stojanovski, Chief Executive Officer at CAAA, said over the last 12 months his firm has witnessed much change impacting the profession, largely brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic creating a new...

  13. 'Get frustrated' to be innovative, accountants told

    to the Innovator of the Year at the Australian Accounting Awards this year. After accepting the Innovator of the Year award last Friday on behalf of O'Connells OBM, director Adam Dierselhuis, spoke to Accountants Daily about the importance of innovation...

  14. 'Constant reform' an ongoing pain point for SMSF clients

    reforms have resulted in lower contributions being made and SMSFs paying pensions are now paying more tax. The impact of the last reforms must be considered before any further changes are made.” However, with Labor proposing to end refunds of excess...

  15. 'Constant attention from accountants' tipped with new SMSF borrowing rules

    constant attention from accountants” and will impede the attractiveness of gearing in super, according to the Tax Institute. Last week Treasury released a consultation paper on two measures for limited recourse borrowing arrangements (LRBAs), one of...

  16. 'Alarmingly high' non-compliance surfaces at national franchise

    high level of non-compliance across its retail fuel outlets, I am not surprised by Caltex’s announcement to the ASX last week that it will transition franchise sites to company operations,” FWO Natalie James said. “FWO’s report shows Caltex Australia...

  17. 'A busy night' for accountants: Chris Richardson

    Budget Paper No. 2, the one that has the decisions in it, and as Fairfax journalist David Crowe noted, it looks bigger than last year's, and although some things have been leaked or been speculated about ahead of the budget, I think you can safely say...

  18. TPB to leverage breach reporting in compliance programs for 24-25

    identify and categorise emerging behavioural and conduct issues." Commenting in the report, TPB chair Peter de Cure said the last 12 months had seen "unprecedented scrutiny of the tax profession" and resulted in reforms to the Tax Agent Services Act...

  19. RBA delivers welcome pause but raises fears of another rise

    time. She said business-to-business trade payment defaults are at record levels and around 50 per cent higher than this time last year. “This means a record number of late payment defaults were lodged by one business against another, highlighting just...

  20. RACGP calls for clarity on payroll tax promise in Tasmania

    or at the very least clarify exactly what it is they are promising or committing to.” The Tasmanian Labor party announced last month that under a Labor government, GPs will have certainty they will not be subject to payroll tax. Labor said it will...