Why Businesses Need to Change Their Approach to Management Post-COVID


The nature of modern business had experienced some massive advancements even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, with digitisation becoming a greater priority for a growing number of industries. The height of the pandemic, however, prompted even service industries to utilise whatever digital capabilities were available to them as a means of staying afloat over months and months of trade restrictions and lockdowns. 

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Digitisation on its own, however, is not only an evolutionary element of business as it pertains to consumers but also within industries as well, most strikingly when it comes to the modern management of employees. The evolution of the managerial process may set a precedent for the future development of modern business, paving the way for industries to progress past the fogs of COVID-19, and beyond into a future that can likely ensure greater job security and economic stability.

Read on to unearth more reasons as to why this is the perfect time for modern businesses to recreate their approach to management.

Catering to a hybrid workforce

Struggling with managing a hybrid WFH workforce? Try using online roster software. A wide array of businesses have adopted this digital tool as a remote worker-friendly alternative to more traditional rostering systems, to the point where this software is rapidly becoming essential to a growing number of industries. Using roster software can ensure that you can make immediate alterations to your weekly rosters in the event that an employee falls ill or has to take time off unexpectedly. Roster software can also support you in your development of rotating rosters, as well as greatly simplifying the often stressful process of filling empty shifts. Some software can even send notification alerts to your workforce to ensure that any available shifts are filled promptly and by willing relief staff without you having to make any phone calls to your employees. 

There are also some other added benefits to utilising roster software that moves past adapting your business to better suit the WFH model. With the amount of innovative roster software available, it’s likely that you’ll be able to find a system that’s not only tailor-made to suit the needs of your industry, but also to suit your personal business needs, with some notable functions including budgeting and demand forecasting, with the value of this latter function being demonstrated pretty heavily throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Managing an international workforce

Alongside managing a growing remote workforce, it’s likely that as modern business practices continue to evolve, interviewing international job candidates is going to become increasingly commonplace. Hiring international professionals may not, however, necessarily mean those candidates would have to relocate in order to take on the responsibilities of the role on offer.

Business software developers have been working tirelessly to truly globalise the professional world, resulting in management software that allows for teams of professionals to manage projects collaboratively without even having to be in the same city. Couple this project management and implementation software with other remote communication tools like Zoom and Skype, and you can operate an international organisation without really needing to have a formal headquarters or office space.  

Of course, this model may not work for some organisations or select industries like healthcare and other general service industries. Regardless, there are definite benefits to hiring international professionals, which include ensuring that you’re drawing from a wider pool of talent than what simply looking for domestic workers would have allowed. The most common issues surrounding hiring international talent largely revolve around legal issues surrounding immigration. If your international employees aren’t planning on migrating and are instead looking to work remotely, then with the help of managerial software and remote communication tools, there are virtually no barriers that may deter this model at all.

Maintaining cost-efficiency

Finally, there’s no denying that the bottom line of any development for your organisation is how much funding will be needed to support that development. The great news here is that there is no shortage of project or staff management software, so you’ll be guaranteed to have your pick of the lot at a competitive price point if you play your cards right and keep on the lookout for some promotional deals.

On a similar note, it must also be said that management software is more often than not a safer investment than a lot of tangible physical assets. Unlike physical assets that are at risk of being damaged or revealing faults at any point in time over their usable life, your management software is guaranteed to perform as intended for the length of your subscription or plan with the software provider. Even a basic cost-benefit analysis can demonstrate management software to be an absolute no-brainer of an investment for your business. Honestly, with the budget management functionality in some software, the systems really pay for themselves.

You may also find that the way your corporation uses that management software comes to shape the future of your business, providing you with a solid foundation upon which you can continue to build a successful organisation.


Whilst it’s common for management teams and employees alike to have complicated responses to these new digital capabilities, more often than not, these capabilities have actually become genuine assets to the industries they are now utilised by, with the management of employees, in particular, being greatly simplified across the board. 

This streamlining of the day-to-day operations of modern businesses ensures that managers are free to turn their attention to further business development, which we learnt at the height of the pandemic, is integral to paving a path back to prosperity in times of great economic uncertainty.

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