Thursday, 27 May 2021
2pm - 3pm AEST
With real-time data now at your fingertips, learn how to match and exceed your clients’ expectations by proactively delivering deeper data-driven insights and providing them with timely advice to grow their business.
With the new financial year on the horizon, this is the best time to audit your system and identify processes across the practice that are inefficient and could be automated to free up the time required to extend your service offerings.
This webcast will cover:
- Advantages of unifying practice and client data and accessing from one place
- Best practices to save time, save costs for practice and clients
- Mass Customisation of Advisory Services – harness tech and know-how to empower your team to communicate advisory services in a personalised way to hundreds of clients
- Automate workflows and marketing communications to grow your practice
- Developing the competencies to drive business change through technology
Conditions for CPD points
- Members of CAANZ may claim this activity as CPD hours if personally satisfied it is professionally relevant and meets the CPD characteristics set out in Regulation CR7 for CAANZ.
- CPA Australia members may record this activity in the CPD diary if the activity increased knowledge, skills or capability in relation to the member job role or career aspiration. For further information, click here.
- Members of the IPA are recommended to show their attendance at the webcast and enter it into their record of CPD activity
- Members of The Tax Institute can record this as structured CPD if it is relevant to their role.
Earn CPD points and have your questions answered by our panelists by watching this webcast live!


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If you are experiencing any issues or have any questions about this webcast, please contact Robyn at [email protected] or alternatively call 02 9922 3300.