Tuesday, 27 July 2021
11am - 12pm AEST

Myth busting e-invoicing with Mark Stockwell, ATO
Join us as we unpack what the roll-out of e-invoicing will mean for the accounting and small-business community with a dynamic panel of industry experts, including Mark Stockwell, Assistant Commissioner, ATO, the Honourable Bruce Billson, Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman and Intuit QuickBooks’ Simeon Duncan, International Corporate Affairs.
This session will also include a keynote from the ATO demystifying what e-invoicing is and isn’t, the benefits for accountants and bookkeepers, the role the ATO will play and understanding what the recent government budget measures will deliver to improve e-invoicing awareness and adoption.
Register now to ensure your firm is educated on what the change means for you and your clients.
Earn CPD points and have your questions answered by our panelists by watching this webcast live!
Conditions for CPD points:
- Members of CAANZ may claim this activity as CPD hours if personally satisfied it is professionally relevant and meets the CPD characteristics set out in Regulation CR7 for CAANZ.
- CPA Australia members may record this activity in the CPD diary if the activity increased knowledge, skills or capability in relation to the member’s job role or career aspiration. For further information, click here.
- Members of the IPA are recommended to show their attendance at the webcast and enter it into their record of CPD activity.
- Members of The Tax Institute can record this as structured CPD if it is relevant to their role.




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