Technology fatigue: Is there such a thing as too many apps?
Are you suffering from app fatigue? With an explosion of cloud accounting applications over the past few years, it’s likely that you’ve felt overwhelmed by the myriad apps available on the market right now, and have held off from selecting new tools that could potentially help your firm and your clients in the long run.
Join us on this webcast as we unpack the best ways to develop your perfect app stack, how to evaluate and shed apps to streamline your practice, and how to get buy-in from your team members.
We’ll also discuss how to approach the implementation of new apps and technologies at your firm, and how to leverage an ecosystem of digital tools to help your practice grow.
This webcast will be live, interactive and CPD accredited for all those who watch live.
- Members of CAANZ may claim this activity as CPD hours if personally satisfied it is professionally relevant and meets the CPD characteristics set out in Regulation CR7 for CAANZ.
- CPA Australia members may record this activity in the CPD diary if the activity increased knowledge, skills or capability in relation to the member’s job role or career aspiration. For further information, click here.
- Members of the IPA are recommended to show their attendance at the webcast and enter it into their record of CPD activity.
- Members of The Tax Institute can record this as structured CPD if it is relevant to their role.




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